Book a Session

Sessions options:

  • A one-to-one private session that takes place at my home in Bournemouth. In this session you can expect a short consultation to discuss the main reason for the session, then around 50 minutes of breathwork, followed by some integration, grounding and sharing time. This is a good session for people who would like to mainly focus on the power of the breath.

    Duration: 2 hours |

  • This session is recommended for your first visit. It gives you more time to explore any issues you would like to go into.

    I will ask you about your history, childhood, your birth and any significant events in your early life. We then move to how you are feeling in the present moment, issues about relationships, career, your current successes and also struggles, your view of yourself and your world.

    This is an opportunity to express and connect to your fears, hopes, disappointments, blocks, dreams and satisfactions. Here, there is space for difficult feelings and uncomfortable truths. We all have our stories to tell and this is essentially a listening space, a space to feel deeply heard.

    This is followed by an hour of breathing where you can integrate everything that has been brought to awareness and a longer time for integration and sharing.

    Duration: 3 hours |

  • This session gives you the comfort of your own safe space. I will travel to your home, within 20 miles of Bournemouth to hold the space for you to open up to a deep place with your breath.

    This session is recommended for people who are not able to travel only.

    Duration: up to 3 hours |

  • This is an option for people who live in different parts of the world, to work with me online. This session is recommended for people who already have experience with this type of therapeutic breathwork.

    Duration: up to 2 hours |

I offer a free initial 20 minutes phone consultation. During this time we can discuss the reason you would like to start your journey with the breath. I can also tell you more about the way I work with the breath. It also enables us to discover if we want to work together. Rebirthing breathwork is a profound holistic experience, feeling safe with your practitioner and in the environment where it takes place is vital.

  • Thank you Karolina for giving value to being and feeling nourished. I feel safe, supported, heard, understood and encouraged to develop and grow within my own nourished life. You are hugely valued by me. Love and gratitude.'
